Wednesday, May 9, 2007

A great t-shirt day

Yesterday was a great day for the shirt. This shirt said, "I spread rumors." It is one of the guiltier guilty pleasures, and I got my first glare from someone! I was walking into Kresge and this girl walking out looked at my shirt, rolled her eyes and glared at me. I was pretty excited.

Then I went to the Cubs game, and realized how effective the shirts are when I actually go out instead of staying in my apartment doing work. I got the chance to tell a lot of friends I don't see very often about them, and also had my first conversation about them with a stranger. I met a lovely woman in the bathroom at Wrigley field, and our conversation went a little something like this:

Cubs fan:
You spread rumors?! That's bad.
Me: Actually, I don't...or I try not to. This month I'm wearing different people's guilty pleasures. What's yours?
CF: Let me think about that. I don't spread rumors but I like to listen.

We walk into the stalls, side by side.

CF: I know what my guilty pleasure is! SEX!
Me: Oh, just sex?
NO, lots of SEX!
What's a lot of sex?
CF: No, a lot of sex, WITH MYSELF!
Woman in random stall:
Honey, you have to have toys, do you have toys?!
I have four, one in every color.
(laughs uncontrollably)

That's the truth kids, no rumors here. Be looking forward to the shirt.